The Kat Pratt Coaching Membership

Unlock Unlimited, Ongoing Access to an Exclusive Library of Resources!

  • Exclusive Trainings & Resources: Beyond videos, enrich your journey with additional tools designed just for you.

  • Tapping Videos: Dive into my unique techniques including Truth Tapping which blends shadow work with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

What You'll Experience:

  • Compassionate Honesty: Confront and uncover hidden beliefs that shape your actions.

  • Transformative Tapping: Use these insights with tapping to liberate yourself from limiting patterns.

Why It's Unique:

  • These videos are exclusive to our community - you won't find them anywhere else!

Get Started:

  • Simply fill out the checkout form below for instant access to our transformative video library!

Monthly Membership
Every month
Every year

✓ Live Group Calls
✓ Large library of tapping scripts
✓ Hypnosis Recordings
✓ Group Call Recordings
✓ Guided Meditation Recordings